PRP Therapy (Platelet Rich Plasma)

PRP therapy can create a number of youthful benefits for our patients. One of the most readily noticeable benefits is the restoration of healthy face shape and volume that may have been lost due to age and the effects of sun exposure. For this therapy, a concentrated serum is created from the patient’s blood sample, and can be used in conjunction with a dermal filler. While not necessary, a filler does increase the efficiency of your rejuvenation process. It can also aid in maintaining your results. When you come in to have your unique treatment plan constructed, we will be happy to go over the details of any treatments we recommend.
The process of PRP rejuvenation therapy is natural and simple when handled by our consummate professionals. The serum, created from a patient’s blood sample, is injected into the skin after activation by our experts. It can also be directly applied to the skin as a topical treatment to achieve surface regeneration. The following are our areas of specialty in the field:
- PRP Joint Injections
- Ligaments & Tendons
- PRP Facelifts
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Female Arousal Treatments
- Hair Growth Treatments
This activation provides a simulation of the body’s healing process when your skin is injured, which means the new growth is completely all-natural. Your own platelets are working by creating a rich new fibrin network at the zone of application. Because your own growth factors are released during a natural healing process, the end result is increased collagen production. This leaves you with a younger, fuller look to your facial features. To learn more about each treatment click below!