The Keto Zone Diet

Keto Explained
Keto Zone Story
Dr. Don Colbert, Founder of Divine Health, graduated from Oral Roberts University Medical School in 1984 and completed his internship and residency at Florida Hospital. Dr. Colbert has been board certified in Family Practice and Anti Aging for over 20 years, focusing his practices now on anti-aging and integrative medicine in Central Florida and Dallas, Texas. He is also a New York Times “Best Selling Author” and “National Best Selling Author” for writing over 40 books, including the “Keto Zone Diet”, “The Hormone Zone,” and “Let Food Be Your Medicine.
After years of testing thousands of foods and natural ingredients and supplements on himself and on his patients, Dr. Colbert developed the Keto Zone Diet along with the Keto Zone supplement line. Dr. Colbert considers the Keto Zone System the most complete and effective wellness program he has found to date. To live a truly healthy life, Dr. Colbert continues to make Keto Zone Products a part of his daily routine. Each of the Keto Zone products provides the proper balance of daily nutrients to keep you in the Keto Zone, which is not just the state of ketosis, but an overall state of well-being. The Keto Zone is when the cells in your body switch from using glucose (sugar) as their primary fuel source to using ketones and fat.
Aside from the Keto Diet, Dr. Colbert developed the Keto Zone supplement line designed to aid individuals looking for a completely safe and natural metabolic state that leads to weight loss, increased energy, enhanced focus, balanced blood sugar, and decreased inflammation.* Cravings are diminished, hunger is suppressed, energy is increased, mental clarity is present and sleep is deep and restful!*

Living Your Best Life
Dr. Colbert practices what he preaches on a daily basis to his patients. He works out and eats the KETO way every day.
Aside from living the KETO lifestyle, Dr. Colbert developed a Keto Zone Nutritional line designed to aid individuals who want to increase energy and experience and overall better quality of life with his Keto Products sold by Divine Health Supplements, a superior quality vitamin, mineral, and herbal line of supplements and products.
Dr. Colbert takes great care to research and provides his patients with superior quality and customer service with his Divine Health Team.

KETO Social Media Community

Keto Education
Dr. Colbert continues to make Keto Zone Products a part of his daily routine, to live a truly healthy life. Each of the Keto Zone products provides the proper balance of daily nutrients to keep you in the Keto Zone, which is not just the state of ketosis, but an overall state of well-being.
Dr. Colbert's passion is to educate everyone on living your best life through food and exercise God's way.